Web accessibility : non-compliant

The GrandPalaisRmn is committed to making its websites, intranet, extranet and software packages accessible (as well as its mobile applications and digital street furniture) in accordance with article 47 of law no. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005.

To this end, it is implementing the following strategy and actions:
- Multi-year accessibility plan 2024-2025: writing in progress, publication to follow
- Actions 2024: writing in progress - publication to follow
Target website
This declaration of accessibility applies to ateliers.grandpalaisrmn.fr.
Compliance status
The website ateliers.grandpalaisrmn.fr is not compliant with the French General framework for improving accessibility 4 (Référentiel général d’amélioration de l’accessibilité, version 4), insofar as there are no audit results enabling these criteria to be measured. Non-compliances and any exemptions are listed below.
Test results
In the absence of a finalised compliance audit, there are no test results.
Inaccessible content
In the absence of a finalized compliance audit, all site content is presumed to be inaccessible.

Exemptions for disproportionate burden
Without a completed accessibility audit, no exemptions have been found.

Content not subject to accessibility requirements
In the absence of a finalized compliance audit, no content has been identified as being excluded from the applicable regulations.
Establishment of this statement
This accessibility declaration was established on 26th September 2024
Feedback and contact
Should you experience any issues accessing our content or services, please use our contact form to request an accessible alternative or a different format.
Recourse procedures
This procedure should be used in the following case: if you have reported an accessibility issue preventing you from accessing content or a feature of the site, and have not received a satisfactory response from us within a reasonable timeframe, you have the right to contact the Defender of Rights. Several options are available to you:
- Write to the Defender of Rights
- Contact the Defender of Rights’ delegate in your region:https://www.defenseurdesdroits.fr/carte-des-delegues
- Send a letter by post (free of charge, no stamp required): Défenseur des droits, Libre réponse 71120, 75342 Paris CEDEX 07